Italian Stone Walls interconnect throughout property

Italian Stone Walls interconnect throughout property
Terraced Landscape

New Flower Beds

New Flower Beds
Hostas and Day Lilles Planned

It's a Dogs Life

It's a Dogs Life


Injured Visitor


Besides Feeding and Breeding grounds we are visited by those seeking respite from injuries

...a time to plant and a time to uproot...

On July 8th 2010 it was 6:30am I was studying in Ecclesiastes and ironicly was reading the previous verse when. Crack-Kabloom-Swoosh -an 80' tree on the hillside came down in the middle of the side yard. I had just finished some blockwork for the new flower beds.."The finger of God touched me today, with gentleness it came crashing." A small amount of damage to the back kitchen roof and an electrical wire knocked loose. Not a plant, ornament or window screen was damaged. "Adversity too is a Blessing from the Lord. His word a two-edged sword tearing asunder the works of God and the works of man." Has a giant tree fallen into the middle of your plans? Praise God He knows what He is doing! The birds are feasting on the insects of the exposed tree carcass which they needed badly during this hot spell.


Spring 2011

Wow, it's finally here! Spring 2011.
So great to hear the chirpping of our feathered friends. Storms have been severe but, the Tulip Magnolia and Forsythia's are in full bloom once again. The new grill arrived today and supply list  for a small deck near the brick shed has been completed. We have a few weeks till Cheryl will be free to complete it for us. I'm looking forward to helping her and increasing my carpentry skills. Vester Black with Yard Barns and more has been contacted and I look forward to a shed addition that will allow me to clear out a room downstairs making better use of the space. Just 3 more windows to replace and we'll be on our way to planning the roof, siding and gutter work for the main house. My brother is staying in the small cottage house and there are lots of updates and repairs to be done there too. I was out clearing brush this morning and decided I need a little help this year to get a jump on the over growth, so I'll be putting out requests this week. I am working on the kitchen design for the downstairs galley, although I am a kitchen designer, I am torn between all the choices. I know I will chose 'Diamond Cabinetry' and Maple as the wood species. I am leaning heavily toward 'Storm' for the base cabs and 'Amoretto Cream' for the wall cabs. Viatera Quartz solid surface counter top is an extremly durable choice, if I my budget will allow.
Happy Spring to all and be sure to get those breeding boxes in place. Set out a bowl of colored string cut into 4-6" pieces, scraps of material strips and small twigs for the birds to use in making their nests. The colorful pieces make the nests easier to locate, the bits of color will aid in excentuating the texture, and intricacies of  each nest creating winning photo's  for your 2011collection.

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Happy Day!

Happy Day!
Laughing in clover

My Dad Rest in Peace Dad. Miss you!

My Dad Rest in Peace Dad. Miss you!
James Fitzgerald

Welcome Friends!

Writers, Artists, Poets, Photographers and all those who are inspired by our creator and His creations!

Duchess Penne' Daddy's Girl

Duchess Penne' Daddy's Girl

Blue Jay

Blue Jay
Posing for the shot


Species are abundant here
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Lincolnshire Park

Lincolnshire Park
Gone Fishin'

Resting After a Round of Catch

Resting After a Round of Catch
She loves to chase the ball

Web Sites:

Web Sites Hummingbirds North American Butterfly Association Offers basic information and a useful page of butterfly links. Monarch Watch A national program based at the University of Kansas that tracks monarch migration. Migratory Pollinators Program The Pollination Home Page

Thirsty for a drink

Thirsty for a drink
Butterfly Garden

Corn Fowers

Corn Fowers
can't have too many


Injured Eye

In honor of the pine that was taken down

The Lonesome Pine stood tall and proud its girth, its strength they spoke so loud. But as the wind through branches blew in soft and muffled tones it spew the secrets of a town it knew . And the years went by and by. It spoke of ancient days and cried of whispered dreams and cloudy skies it watched as people shuffled by along the trail from far and wide. And the years went by and by. Its feathered friends called from their nests "Lay your burdens here and rest. Sit a spell and be my guest." And the years went by and by. Their troubles they did lay aside for simple play they came inside in fading shadows they did hide and the years went by and by. Unscripted, grappled, hues of blue understory grew and grew. wounded spirits gave way to new And the years went by and by. The lonesome pine in comforts sun hung down its head in martyrdom it heaved a sigh a job well done then quietly it did succumb. And the years went by and by. written by Suzanne Fitzgerald on May 6th 2009 began at 4 am completed at 6:am

Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee
Lots of them this year!

Pearl Cresent (Phyciodes thaos)

Pearl Cresent (Phyciodes thaos)
Looks like stained glass