Besides Feeding and Breeding grounds we are visited by those seeking respite from injuries
...a time to plant and a time to uproot...
On July 8th 2010 it was 6:30am I was studying in Ecclesiastes and ironicly was reading the previous verse when. Crack-Kabloom-Swoosh -an 80' tree on the hillside came down in the middle of the side yard. I had just finished some blockwork for the new flower beds.."The finger of God touched me today, with gentleness it came crashing." A small amount of damage to the back kitchen roof and an electrical wire knocked loose. Not a plant, ornament or window screen was damaged. "Adversity too is a Blessing from the Lord. His word a two-edged sword tearing asunder the works of God and the works of man." Has a giant tree fallen into the middle of your plans? Praise God He knows what He is doing! The birds are feasting on the insects of the exposed tree carcass which they needed badly during this hot spell.
Lonesome Pine Wildlife Habitat, LLC 
Rural Community Based Environmental Stewardship
Conservation and Preservation
of Appalachia’s Flora & Fauna
813 Virginia Ave
Bluefield, VA 24605
Welcome Friends!
Writers, Artists, Poets, Photographers and all those who are inspired by our creator and His creations!